Recent Updates List
May 10, 2021 | Allyship Fireside ChatTo achieve equity for all members of our community at CHI2021, we should all be allies! How? Great question. Participate in CHI2021’s allyship program which consists of a curated informational YouTube playlist and a panel-style session. ... |
May 9, 2021 | CHI 2021 Virtual Platform Time Zone ProblemsWe are aware that the CHI 2021 virtual conference platform has several limitations with time zones. Unfortunately, it is difficult to fix the platform at this point. Therefore, we explain the problems and workaround to prevent misinterpretation of se... |
April 30, 2021 | BLInner Blog #2 - Schedule, Chefs, and Recipes UpdateWelcome to the second BLInner Blog for CHI 2021. In our first blog, we talked about the history of CHI Diversity and Inclusion Lunch, and our plans for 2021. Since then, we have had an overwhelming response and we decided to open up BLInner for free ... |
March 28, 2021 | Captions are Required for CHI Video PresentationsFor the first time, CHI attendees will be able to browse the conference program and watch paper presentations whenever it is convenient for them. Viewers will also have English language closed captions available on demand. Captions are invaluable for... |
March 24, 2021 | CHI 2021 AwardsThe SIGCHI “Best of CHI” awards honor the top 5% of conference submissions. A Best Papers committee composed of two chairs and 21 AC representatives—one from each subcommittee/subcommittee split—selected a total of 28 papers to receive a... |
March 24, 2021 | Global Communities, Diversity and Inclusion BLInner at CHI 2021The beloved Diversity and Inclusion Lunch turns 5 this year! Hats off to the folks who have organized this for the last 5 years: Anicia Peters, Anke Brock, Dalila Szostak, Daniela Busse, Gopinaath Kannabiran and Megan Hoffman. Much gratitude also goe... |
March 20, 2021 | Mentor Circle: Supporting First-Time Attendees at CHISupporting first-time attendees has a long tradition at CHI. In past years, when CHI was in person, we offered a range of activities that allowed newcomers to meet people and get integrated into the community. There was a newcomers' welcome reception... |
March 18, 2021 | Accessibility and Equity at CHI 2021tl;dr please tell us about accessibility needs during registration or contact the accessibility chairs at however if you find something inequitable at CHI 2021 please email the general chairs at |
March 14, 2021 | A Note About Early Registration and the CHI 2021 ScheduleDear CHI Community, The **draft** schedule for CHI 2021 is now available. Please note that it is still under construction and subject to change. (e.g. workshops/symposia are not yet done). |
March 14, 2021 | What Will CHI 2021 Online Look Like?The **draft** schedule for CHI 2021 is now available. Please note that it is still under construction and subject to change. (e.g. workshops/symposia are not yet done). CAUTION: "Convert to ... |
March 14, 2021 | March 14th: Update on keynote speakersPlease visit our CHI 2021 Keynote page for details on Chieko Asakawa and Ruha Benjamin at CHI 2021 this May! |
March 13, 2021 | About Video PresentationsDear CHI Community, Thank you all for your amazing submissions and incredible efforts in helping us prepare together for CHI 2021. This is our first fully virtual CHI conference so we ask for your support, understanding and patience as w... |
February 7, 2021 | CHI 2021 Student Volunteers: Update on Duties and BenefitsAs the conference approaches and after consultation with SV chairs at multiple virtual conferences, we are happy to announce more details on how the CHI 2021 SV program will run this year. In line with past years, we are planning to re... |
February 6, 2021 | CHI 2021 Global Schedule2021 is a unique year for CHI--the Organizing Committee made the decision to hold the conference entirely virtually due to the ongoing issue of the global pandemic. This meant that we needed to think creatively and well about how to best serve CHI at... |
February 2, 2021 | Hello Kitty and CHI2021 Face Mask - Merchandise at RegistrationThe CHI 2021 Communication chair team is very happy to announce the merchandise items this year! It was very unfortunate to us that we can not meet on-site, in-person in Yokohama. Instead, it would be a good idea to share our experience with the CHI ... |
January 5, 2021 | New: Registration Rates and Conference BudgetThis blog post has four sections: introduction, registration rates, categories (country list) and budget. If you have any questions or suggestions on how we might improve this blog post please send us an email so we can address your question or sugge... |
Recent Updates
- May 10, 2021Allyship Fireside Chat
- May 9, 2021CHI 2021 Virtual Platform Time Zone Problems
- April 30, 2021BLInner Blog #2 - Schedule, Chefs, and Recipes Update
- March 28, 2021Captions are Required for CHI Video Presentations
- March 24, 2021CHI 2021 Awards