CHI 2021 anticipates more than 3,000 Papers submissions. The review process needs to handle this load while also providing high-quality reviews, which requires that each submission is handled by an expert Associate Chair (AC) who can recruit expert reviewers. The organization of the CHI program committee into topical subcommittees helps achieve this. See the description of the Papers review process for a detailed explcranation of the responsibilities of the ACs and Subcommittee Chairs (SCs).
Authors should examine what constitutes a contribution to SIGCHI and recognize that there are many different types of contribution possible for a SIGCHI paper.
Note on composition of subcommittees
Once abstracts are submitted, individual subcommittees may grow or shrink based on the number of probable papers for that subcommittee. As in previous years, the paper chairs will be undertaking a survey to detail the diversity for each subcommittee. Please see, for example, this blog post on Diversity of the Program Committee for CHI 2020 which was published in July 2019.
Authors are required to suggest a subcommittee to review your submission. This page provides guidance on choosing the appropriate subcommittees for your submission.
List of the subcommittees
Fifteen subcommittees are listed and described below. Each has a title, short description, and an indication of who will Chair and serve on the subcommittee and if a subcommittee consists of multiple tracks. Subcommittees have been constructed with an eye to maintaining logically coherent clusters of topics.
Subcommittee selection process
When you submit a Paper, you can designate up to two appropriate subcommittees for your submission. In the vast majority of cases, the subcommittee that will review your submission is one of the two subcommittees that you proposed. In cases where the Papers Chairs and/or Subcommittee Chairs recognize that your submission will be reviewed more thoroughly in another subcommittee, a submission may be transferred from one subcommittee to another. If a submission is transferred to another subcommittee, this will happen in the first week of the process, before reviewers are assigned; i.e., transferring will not affect a submission’s review process, it will only ensure that it receives the most complete, fair set of reviews.
Below, you will see a list of subcommittees and descriptions of the topics they are covering, the name of each SC, and the names of the ACs serving on each subcommittee. It is your responsibility to select the subcommittee that best matches the expertise needed to assess your research and that you believe will most fully appreciate your contribution to the field of HCI.
CHI has traditionally supported diverse and interdisciplinary work and continues to expand into new topics not previously explored. We recognize that as a result, you may find more than two subcommittees which are plausible matches for your work. However, for a number of reasons, it will be necessary for you to select no more than two target subcommittees, and you should strive to find the best matches based on what you think is the main contribution of your submission (examples of papers that are considered good matches are linked below for each subcommittee). You can also email the SCs for guidance if you are unsure (an email alias is provided below for each set of SCs).
Note that the scope of each subcommittee is not rigidly defined. Each has a broad mandate, and most subcommittees cover a collection of different topics. Further, SCs and ACs are all seasoned researchers, experienced with program committee review work, and each is committed to a process which seeks to assign each paper reviewers who are true experts in whatever the subject matter of the paper is. ACs recognize that many papers, or perhaps even most papers, will not perfectly fit the definition of their subcommittee’s scope. Consequently, papers will not be penalized or downgraded because they do not align perfectly with a particular subcommittee. Interdisciplinary, multi-topic, and cross-topic papers are encouraged and will be carefully and professionally judged by all subcommittees.
In making a subcommittee choice you should make careful consideration of what the most central and salient contribution of your work is, even if there are several different contributions. As an example, let’s say you are writing a paper about Ergonomic Business Practices for the Elderly using Novel Input Devices. Perhaps this is a very new topic. It covers a lot of ground. It’s not an exact fit for any of the subcommittees, but several choices are plausible. To choose between them, you need to make a reasoned decision about the core contributions of your work. Should it be evaluated in terms of the usage context for the target user community? The novel methodology developed for your study? The system and interaction techniques you have developed? Each of these evaluation criteria may partially apply, but try to consider which is most central and which you most want to highlight for your readers. Also look at the subcommittees, the people who will serve on them, and the kind of work they have been associated with in the past. Even if there are several subcommittees that could offer fair and expert assessments of this work, go with the one that really fits the most important and novel contributions of your paper. That committee will be in the best position to offer constructive and expert review feedback on the contributions of your research.
Each subcommittee description also links to several recent CHI papers that the SCs feel are good examples of papers that fit the scope of that subcommittee. Please look at these examples as a way to decide on the best subcommittee for your paper – but remember that these are just a few examples, and do not specify the full range of topics that would fit with any subcommittee.
User Experience and Usability
This subcommittee is suitable for papers that extend the knowledge, practices, methods, components, and tools that make technology more useful, usable, and desirable. Successful papers will present results, practical approaches, tools, technologies, and research methods that demonstrably advance our understanding, design, and evaluation of user experience and/or usability. The focus is on usability and user experience of widely used technologies with contributions being judged substantially on the basis of their demonstrable potential for effective reuse and applicability across a range of application domains or across a range of design, research, and user communities.
Sub-committee Chairs
Track A:- Lynne Baillie, Heriot Watt University
- Florian Alt, Bundeswehr University Munich
- Keith Vertanen, Michigan Technological University
- Magy Seif El-Nasr, Northeastern University
- Teresa Hirzle, Ulm University
- Theodoros Georgiou, Heriot-Watt University
- Erica Kleinman, University of California Santa Cruz
Associate Chairs
- Alexander Meschtscherjakov, University of Salzburg
- Andreas Riener, TH Ingolstadt
- Aneesha Singh, University College London
- Anirudha Joshi, IIT Bombay
- Ahmed Sabbir Arif , University of California, Merced
- Bastian Pfleging, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Benjamin Tag, University of Melbourne
- Blase Ur, University of Chicago
- Briane Paul Samson , Future University Hakodate & De La Salle University
- Benjamin Hanrahan, Pennsylvania State University
- Clara Caldeira, UC Irvine
- Claudio Pinhanez, IBM Research
- Daniel Buschek, University of Bayreuth, Germany
- Daniel Rough, University College Dublin
- Rahul Divekar, RPI
- Tanja Döring, University of Bremen
- Eduardo Velloso, University of Melbourne
- Elin Carstensdottir, University of California at Santa Cruz
- Elisa Mekeler, Aalto University
- Enrico Rukzio, University of Ulm
- Elizabeth Veinott, Michigan Technological University
- Frank Bentley, Yahoo
- Giovanni Troiano, Northeastern University
- Hans-Christian Jetter, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus
- Henning Pohl, University of Copenhagen
- Tobias Höllerer, University of California Santa Barbara
- Jin Huang A M As Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS)
- Jamie Mahoney, Northumbria University
- Jan Gugenheimer, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
- Jasmin Niess, University of Bremen
- Ken Pfeuffer, Bundeswehr University Munich
- Edward Lank, University of Waterloo
- Effie Law, Leicester University
- Markus Funk, Cerence Inc.
- Mark Billinghurst, University of South Australia
- Mark Dunlop, University of Strathclyde
- Mathew Aylett, CEREProc
- Erin Cherry, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems
- Mirjana Prpa, SIAT SFU
- Andres Lucero, Aalto University
- Pawel Wozniak, Utrecht University
- Peter Frohlich, AIT
- Qian Yang, Carnegie Mellon University
- Ronald Schroeter, Queensland University of Technology
- Stephen Intille, Northeastern University
- Salvatore Andolina, University of Palermo
- Sayan Sarcar, University of Tsukuba
- Stefan Schneegass, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Stephen Uzor, Cambridge University
- Sean Rintel, Microsoft Research
- Thomas Kosch, TU Darmstadt
- Tilman Dingler, University of Melbourne
- Joe Tulio, Google
- Uwe Grünefeld, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Ville Mäkelä, LMU Munich
Example Papers:
- Developing and Validating the User Burden Scale: A Tool for Assessing User Burden in Computing Systems
- Momentary Pleasure or Lasting Meaning? Distinguishing Eudaimonic and Hedonic User Experiences
- VelociTap: Investigating Fast Mobile Text Entry using Sentence-Based Decoding of Touchscreen Keyboard Input Computation of Interface Aesthetics
- Effects of Ad Quality & Content-relevance on Perceived Content Quality
- Mediating Attention for Second Screen Companion Content
- S.O.S.: Does Your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Need Help?
- Stock Lamp: An Engagement-Versatile Visualization Design
- Panopticon as an eLearning Support Search Tool
- Causing Commotion with a Shape-changing Bench: Experiencing Shape-Changing Interfaces in Use
- Cognitively Inspired Task Design to Improve User Performance on Crowdsourcing Platforms
- Exploring the Usefulness of Finger-Based 3D Gesture Menu Selection
- Investigating the Feasibility of Extracting Tool Demonstrations from In-Situ Video Content
- MinEMail: SMS Alert System for Managing Critical Emails
- Show me the Invisible: Visualizing Hidden Content
- A Multi-Site Field Study of Crowdsourced Contextual Help: Usage and Perspectives of End-Users and Software Teams
- Emotions, Experiences and Usability in Real-Life Mobile Phone Use
- ‘Timid encounters’: a case study in the use of proximity-based mobile technologies
- On saliency, affect and focused attention
- Activity-based interaction: designing with child life specialists in a children’s hospital
- Reducing compensatory motions in video games for stroke rehabilitation
- Engagement with online mental health interventions: an exploratory clinical study of a treatment for depression
- Discovery-based games for learning software
- I Am The Passenger: How Sickness Caused By In-Car VR HMD Use Is Influenced by Visual Conveyances Of Motion
- Supporting the Use of User Generated Content in Journalistic Practice
- Increasing Users’ Confidence in Uncertain Data by Aggregating Data from Multiple Sources
- Understanding Public Evaluation: Quantifying Experimenter Intervention
Specific Applications Areas
This subcommittee is suitable for papers that extend the design and understanding of applications for specific application areas or domains of interest to the HCI community, yet not explicitly covered by another subcommittee. Example application areas and user groups are listed below. Submissions will be evaluated in part based on their impact on the specific application area and/or group that they address, in addition to their impact on HCI.
Example user groups: people in low- and middle-income countries, charities and third sector organizations, marginal/marginalized population, workers, people with disabilities, non-human stakeholders (such as insects, animals), farmers, children
Example application areas: ICTD, HCI4D, creativity, making and fabrication, home, participatory/participative cultures, rural communities, smart and connected communities, urban informatics, health of marginalized groups, civic engagement, intimate interaction, child-computer interaction, and animal computer interaction.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Brian Bailey, University of Illinois
- Nicola Dell, Cornell University
- Rama Adithya Varanasi, Cornell University
Contact: sc.apps@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Afsaneh Doryab, University of Virginia
- Aditya Vashistha, Cornell
- Adrian Clear, Northumbria University
- Ali Agha Raza, LUMS Pakistan
- André Calero Valdez, RWTH Aachen University
- Bran Knowles, Lancaster University
- Robert Xiao, University of British Columbia
- Carrie Demmans Epp, University of Alberta
- Kurt Luther, Virginia Tech
- Margot Brereton, Queensland University of Technology
- Mary Lou Maher, UNC Charlotte
- Maletsabisa (Tsabi) Molapo, IBM Research Africa
- Maggie Jack, Cornell / UC Irvine
- Maria Menendez Blanco, The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Matthew Mauriello, Stanford
- Andrii Matviienko, Technical University Darmstadt
- Priyank Chandra, University of Toronto
- Ranjitha Kumar, University of Illinois
- Rita Orji, Dalhousie University
- Scarlett Miller, Penn State
- Sunyoung Kim, Rutgers University
- Shamsi Iqbal, MSR
- Sowmya Somanath, University of Victoria
- Vineet Pandey, Harvard
Example Papers:
- Investigating Genres and Perspectives in HCI Research on the Home
- Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of Device and Cloud Service Design Decisions on the Environmental Footprint of Digital Infrastructure
- Sangeet Swara: A Community-Moderated Voice Forum in Rural India
- BodyVis: A New Approach to Body Learning Through Wearable Sensing and Visualization
- Investigating Genres and Perspectives in HCI Research on the Home
- MapSense: Multi-Sensory Interactive Maps for Children Living with Visual Impairments
- Motif: Supporting Novice Creativity through Expert Patterns
- Symbiotic Encounters: HCI and Sustainable Agriculture
- The Breaking Hand: Skills, Care, and Sufferings of the Hands of an Electronic Waste Worker in Bangladesh
- Practices and Technology Needs of a Network of Farmers in Tharaka Nithi, Kenya
- Making Chat at Home in the Hospital: Exploring Chat Use by Nurses
- Empowerment on the Margins: The Online Experiences of Community Health Workers
- Design Within a Patriarchal Society: Opportunities and Challenges in Designing for Rural Women in Bangladesh
Learning, Education, and Families
The “Learning and Education” component of this subcommittee is suitable for contributions that deepen our understanding of how to design, build, deploy, and/or study technologies for learning processes and in educational settings. Topics may include (but are not limited to) intelligent tutoring systems; multimedia interfaces for learning; learning analytics; systems for collaborative learning and social discussion; and tangible learning interfaces. These may be suitable for a variety of settings: online learning, learning at scale; primary, secondary, and higher education; informal learning in museums, libraries, homes, and after-school settings.
The “Families” component of this subcommittee is suitable for contributions that extend design and understanding of how children, parents, and families interact with technology. Topics may include (but are not limited to) a wide range of domains that span health and well-being, social, psychological, and cultural phenomena.
While submissions will be evaluated on their impact on the specific application and/or group that they address, papers must also make a substantial contribution to HCI. In reflecting on their paper’s potential contribution to HCI, authors may wish to examine past proceedings; see the Contributions to CHI page.
This subcommittee is intended to handle many of the papers that went to and were reviewed under a split of Specific Applications Areas in CHI 2018 and earlier.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Betsy DiSalvo, Georgia Tech
- Erin Walker, University of Pittsburgh
- Ishrat Ahmed, University of Pittsburgh
Contact: sc.families@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Ahmed Kharrufa, Newcastle University
- Alexis Hinker, University of Washington
- Alice Oh, KAIST - School of Computing
- Anthony Pellicone, University of Maryland, College Park
- Briana Morrison, University of Nebraska Omaha
- Chris Frauenberger, Aarhus University
- Carolyn Rose, Carnegie Mellon University
- Edith Law, University of Waterloo
- Elena Glassman, Harvard University
- Elisa Rubegni, Lancaster University
- Eleanor O'Rourke, Northwestern University
- Florian Block, University of York
- Gahgene Gweon, Seoul National University
- Colin Gray, Purdue
- Gabreila Richard, Pennsylvania State University
- Erik Harpstead, Carnegie Mellon University
- Iulian Radu, Harvard University
- Derek Lomas, Delft
- Jason Yip, University of Washington
- Jessica Roberts, Georgia Tech
- Juho Kim, KAIST
- Kayla Desportes, New York University
- Katie Davis, University of Washington
- Kristy Boyer, University of Florida
- Rene Kizilcec, Cornell University
- Lana Yarosh, University of Minnesota
- Lisa Anthony, University of Florida
- Matthew Easterday, Northwestern University
- Min Chi, North Carolina State
- Mike Horn, Northwestern
- Michelle Lui, University of Toronto
- Michael Lee, New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Monica Landoni, Università Della Svizzera Italiana
- Oren Zuckerman, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
- Petr Slovak, University College London
- Zach Pardos, Berkeley
- Paul Denny, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Phillip Guo, UC San Diego
- Rebecca Quintana, University of Michigan
- Ricarose Roque, University of Colorado
- Robb Lindgren, University of Illinois
- Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Monash University
- Sayamindu Dasgupta, UNC Chapel Hill
- Selen Turkay, Queensland University of Technology
- Tawfiq Ammari, University of Michigan
- Tammy Clegg, University of Maryland, College Park
- Uta Hinrichs, University of Saint Andrews
- Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Graz University of Technology
- Xu Wang, Carnegie Mellon University
Example Papers:
- Mudslide: A Spatially Anchored Census of Student Confusion for Online Lecture Videos
- JuxtaPeer: Comparative Peer Review Yields Higher Quality Feedback and Deeper Reflection
- BodyVis: A New Approach to Body Learning Through Wearable Sensing and Visualization
- Science Everywhere: Designing Public, Tangible Displays to Connect Youth Learning Across Settings
- Screen Time Tantrums: How Families Manage Screen Media Experiences for Toddlers and Preschoolers
- Coco’s Videos: An Empirical Investigation of Video-Player Design Features and Children’s Media Use
- Facilitator, Functionary, Friend or Foe?: Studying the Role of iPads within Learning Activities Across a School Year
- Screen Time Tantrums: How Families Manage Screen Media Experiences for Toddlers and Preschoolers
- MapSense: Multi-Sensory Interactive Maps for Children Living with Visual Impairments
- Showing face in video instruction: effects on information retention, visual attention, and affect
- Motivation as a lens to understand online learners: Toward data-driven design with the OLEI scale
- Teaching Language and Culture with a Virtual Reality Game
- Mediating Conflicts in Minecraft: Empowering Learning in Online Multiplayer Games
- ThinkActive: Designing for Pseudonymous Activity Tracking in the Classroom
- Group Spinner: Recognizing and Visualizing Learning in the Classroom for Reflection, Communication, and Planning
- As We May Study: Towards the Web as a Personalized Language Textbook
- Why Interactive Learning Environments Can Have It All: Resolving Design Conflicts Between Competing Goals
- Wearables for Learning: Examining the Smartwatch as a Tool for Situated Science Reflection
Interaction Beyond the Individual
This subcommittee is suitable for papers that contribute to our understanding of collaborative technologies for groups, organizations, communities, and networks. Successful submissions will advance knowledge, theories, and insights from the social, psychological, behavioral, and organizational practice that arise from technology use in various contexts. This subcommittee is also suitable for submissions describing collaborative or crowdsourcing tools or systems.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Munmun Chaudhury, Georgia Tech
- Thomas Ludwig, University of Siegen
- Max Krüger, University of Siegen
Contact: sc.cscw@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Alexander Boden, Fraunhofer FIT
- Casey Dugan, IBM
- Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose, Aarhus University
- Elizabeth Murnane, Dartmouth College
- Fabiano Pinatti, University of Siegen
- Haiyi Zhu, Carnegie Mellon University
- Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research Institute
- Jed Brubaker, CU Boulder
- Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Virginia Tech
- Jalal Mahmud, IBM Research
- Matthieu Tixier, University of Troyes
- Mike Clarke, Facebook
- Michael Prilla, TU Clausthal
- Mor Naaman, Cornell Tech
- Nicholas Diakopoulos, Northwestern University
- Niels van Berkel, Aalborg University
- Robert Soden, University of Colorado
- Stevie Chancellor, Northwestern University
- Tawfiq Ammari, University of Michigan
- Thomas Olsson, Tampere University
- Liam D. Turner, Cardiff University
- Vivek Singh, Rutgers University
- Yelena Mejova, ISI Foundation
Example Papers:
- Modeling Ideology and Predicting Policy Change with Social Media: Case of Same-Sex Marriage
- Collective Intelligence in Online Collaboration is Robust Across Contexts and Cultures
- CrowdMonitor: Mobile Crowd Sensing for Assessing Physical and Digital Activities of Citizens during Emergencies
- Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information
- The Politics of Measurement and Action
- Managing Children’s Online Identities: How Parents Decide what to Disclose about their Children Online
- Societal controversies in Wikipedia articles
- Inferring Employee Engagement from Social Media
- Design Challenges in Supporting Distributed Knowledge: An Examination of Organizing Elections
- The Heart Work of Wikipedia: Gendered, Emotional Labor in the World’s Largest Online Encyclopedia
- “I always assumed that I wasn’t really that close to [her]”: Reasoning about invisible algorithms in the news feed
- Reducing the Stress of Coordination: Sharing Travel Time Information Between Contacts on Mobile Phones
- Now You Can Compete With Anyone: Balancing Players of Different Skill Levels in a First-Person Shooter Game
- Standards and/as Innovation: Protocols, Creativity, and Interactive Systems Development in Ecology
- Computer-Enabled Project Spaces: Connecting with Palestinian Refugees across Camp Boundaries
- We Are Dynamo: Overcoming Stalling and Friction in Collective Action for Crowd Workers
- Practice-based Design of a Neighborhood Portal: Focusing on Elderly Tenants in a City Quarter Living Lab
- How Activists are Both Born and Made: An Analysis of Users on Change.org
- Growing Closer on Facebook: Changes in Tie Strength Through Social Network Site Use
- Estimating County Health Statistics with Twitter
- Estimating the Social Costs of Friendsourcing
- “Narco”Emotions: Affect and Desensitization in Social Media during the Mexican Drug War
- Goals and Perceived Success of Online Enterprise Communities: What Is Important to Leaders & Members?
- ZWERM: a Modular Component Network Approach for an Urban Participation Game
- Social Media Participation and Performance at Work: A Longitudinal Study
- Crowdsourcing the Future: Predictions Made with a Social Network
- Support Matching and Satisfaction in an Online Breast Cancer Support Community
- Research on Research: Design Research at the Margins: Academia, Industry and End-Users
- Interrupted by a Phone Call: Exploring Designs for Lowering the Impact of Call Notifications for Smartphone Users
- Necessary, unpleasant, and disempowering: Reputation management in the internet age
- Exploring video streaming in public settings: Shared geocaching over distance using mobile video chat
- Effects of Public vs. Private Automated Transcripts on Multiparty Communication between Native and Non-Native English Speakers
- Distributed analogical idea generation: Inventing with crowds
- Sweet Home: Understanding Diabetes Management via a Chinese Online Community
- Comparing Flat and Spherical Displays in a Trust Scenario in Avatar-Mediated Interaction
Games and Play
This subcommittee is suitable for papers across all areas of playful interaction, player experience, and games. Examples of topics include: game interaction and interfaces, playful systems (e.g., toys, books, leisure), the design and development of games (including serious games and gamification), player experience evaluation (player psychology, games user research, and game analytics), the study of player and developer communities, and understanding play.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Kathrin Gerling, KU Leuven
- Pejman Mirza-Babaei, Ontario Tech University
- Maria Aufheimer, KU Leuven
Contact: sc.games@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Z Toups, New Mexico State University
- Richard Wetzel, Hochschule Luzern
- Jinghui Cheng, Polytechnique Montréal
- Perttu Hamalainen, Aalto University
- Casper Harteveld, Northeastern University
- Günter Wallner, TU Eindhoven
- Loutfouz Zaman, Ontario Tech University
- Simone Kriglstein, University of Vienna
- Nicholas Graham, Queen's University
- April Tyack, Aalto University
- Alena Denisova, City University London
- Jim Wallace, University of Waterloo
- Jessica Hammer, Carnegie Mellon University
- Elizabeth Bonsignore, University of Maryland
- Katja Rogers, University of Waterloo
- Annika Waern, Uppsala University
- Penny Kyburz, Australian National University
- Melissa Rogerson, University of Melbourne
- Oğuz 'Oz' Buruk, Tampere University
- Madison Klarkowski, University of Saskatchewan
Example Papers
- Bots & (Main)Frames: Exploring the Impact of Tangible Blocks and Collaborative Play in an Educational Programming Game
- BreathVR: Leveraging Breathing as a Directly Controlled Interface for Virtual Reality Games
- Cooperating to Compete: the Mutuality of Cooperation and Competition in Boardgame Play
- Empirical Support for a Causal Relationship Between Gamification and Learning Outcomes
- Designing Movement-based Play With Young People Using Powered Wheelchairs
- Prototyping in PLACE: a scalable approach to developing location-based apps and games
- Designing action-based exergames for children with cerebral palsy
- Experiencing the Body as Play
- Designing Brutal Multiplayer Video Games
- Extracting Design Guidelines for Wearables and Movement in Tabletop Role-Playing Games via a Research Through Design Process
- The Privilege of Immersion: Racial and Ethnic Experiences, Perceptions, and Beliefs in Digital Gaming
- Video Game Selection Procedures For Experimental Research
- “An Odd Kind of Pleasure”: Differentiating Emotional Challenge in Digital Games
Privacy and Security
This subcommittee is suitable for papers relating to privacy and security. This includes but is not limited to: new techniques/systems/technologies, evaluations of existing/new systems, lessons learned from real-world deployments, foundational research identifying important theoretical and/or design insight for the community, etc.
Submissions will be judged based on the contribution they make to privacy and security as well as their impact on HCI. For instance, papers that focus on technical contributions will need to show the relationship of the contribution to humans and user experience.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Apu Kapadia, Indiana University
- Emilee Rader, Michigan State University
- Megan Knittel, Michigan State University
Contact: sc.privacy@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Yasemin Acar, Leibniz University Hannover
- Alexander De Luca, Google Inc.
- Chris Kanich, University of Illinois, Chicago
- Eran Toch, Tel Aviv University
- Florian Schaub, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Gunnar Stevens, University of Siegen
- Janne Lindqvist, Aalto, Rutgers
- Jose Such, King's College London
- Katharina Krombholz, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security (Saarbrücken, Germany)
- Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University
- Lynne Coventry, Northumbria University
- Mainack Mondal, IIT Kharagpur
- Manya Sleeper, Google Inc.
- Marc Langheinrich, University of Lugano, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
- Marshini Chetty, University of Chicago
- Mohamed Khamis, University of Glasgow
- Alena Naiakshina, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- Nora McDonald, UMBC
- Kent Seamons, Brigham Young University
- Shion Guha, Marquette University
- Tousif Ahmed, Samsung Research
- Yaxing Yao, Carnegie Mellon University
- Yang Wang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Zinaida Benenson, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Example Papers:
- A Field Trial of Privacy Nudges for Facebook
- Can I Borrow Your Phone?: Understanding Concerns When Sharing Mobile Phones
- Does My Password Go Up to Eleven?: The Impact of Password Meters on Password Selection
- Experimenting at Scale with Google Chrome’s SSL warning
- High Costs and Small Benefits: A Field Study of How Users Experience Operating System Upgrades
- I Feel Like I’m Taking Selfies All Day!: Towards Understanding Biometric Authentication on Smartphones
- In Situ with Bystanders of Augmented Reality Glasses: Perspectives on Recording and Privacy-Mediating Technologies
- Leakiness and Creepiness in App Space: Perceptions of Privacy and Mobile App Use
- “My Religious Aunt Asked Why I Was Trying to Sell Her Viagra”: Experiences with Account Hijacking
- Privacy Concerns and Behaviors of People with Visual Impairments
- Reflection or Action?: How Feedback and Control Affect Location Sharing Decisions
- Scaling the Security Wall: Developing a Security Behavior Intentions Scale (SeBIS)
- Stories from Survivors: Privacy & Security Practices when Coping with Intimate Partner Abuse
- The Presentation Effect on Graphical Passwords
- Unpacking "Privacy" for a Networked World
- Using Personal Examples to Improve Risk Communication for Security & Privacy Decisions
- Touch Me Once and I Know It’s You! Implicit Authentication Based on Touch Screen Patterns
- Passquerade: Improving Error Correction of Text Passwords on Mobile Devices by using Graphic Filters for Password Masking
The Visualization subcommittee welcomes papers from all areas of data visualization and visual analytics. This includes, but is not limited to, new visualization or interaction techniques/systems/technologies, evaluations of existing or new visualization systems and techniques, groundwork identifying important insights for the community, and lessons learned from real-world deployments.
Submissions will be judged based on the contribution they make to visualization as well as their impact on HCI. For example, papers that focus on technical contributions need to show how these relate to humans and user experience.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Niklas Elmqvist, University of Maryland
- Bongshin Lee, Microsoft
- Tongshuang (Sherry) Wu, University of Washington
Contact: sc.viz@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Alvitta Ottley, Washington University of St. Louis
- Anastasia Bezerianos, University of Paris-Saclay
- Bum Chul Kwon, IBM Research
- Danielle Albers Szafir, University of Colorado Boulder
- Eytan Adar, University of Michigan
- Kim Marriott, Monash University
- Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California, Davis
- Leilani Battle, University of Maryland, College Park
- Lyn Bartram, Simon Fraser University
- Matthew Kay, Northwestern University
- Melanie Tory, Tableau Software
- Miguel Nacenta, University of Victoria
- Rita Borgo, King's College London
- Ron Metoyer, University of Notre Dame
- Shixia Liu, Tsinghua University
- Tamara Munzner, University of British Columbia
- Vidya Setlur, Tableau Research
- Nadia Boukhelifa, INRAE
- Raimund Dachselt, Technische Universität Dresden
- Jinwook Seo, Seoul National University
- Jo Vermeulen, Autodesk Research
- Khairi Reda, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Xiaoru Yuan, Peking University
- Adam Perer, Carnegie Mellon University
Example Papers:
- Techniques for Flexible Responsive Visualization Design
- InChorus: Designing Consistent Multimodal Interactions for Data Visualization on Tablet Devices
- Data is Personal: Attitudes and Perceptions of Data Visualization in Rural Pennsylvania
- Data Illustrator: Augmenting Vector Design Tools with Lazy Data Binding for Expressive Visualization Authoring
- When David Meets Goliath: Combining Smartwatches with a Large Vertical Display for Visual Data Exploration
- Uncertainty Displays Using Quantile Dotplots or CDFs Improve Transit Decision-Making
- DataInk: Direct and Creative Data-Oriented Drawing
- Explaining the Gap: Visualizing One's Predictions Improves Recall and Comprehension of Data
- GraphScape: A Model for Automated Reasoning about Visualization Similarity and Sequencing
- Visualization Literacy at Elementary School
- Towards Understanding Human Similarity Perception in the Analysis of Large Sets of Scatter Plots
- Egocentric Analysis of Dynamic Networks with EgoLines
- MatrixWave: Visual Comparison of Event Sequence Data
- Stock Lamp: An Engagement-Versatile Visualization Design
- Investigating the Direct Manipulation of Ranking Tables for Time Navigation
- Exploring Interactions with Physically Dynamic Bar Charts
- Kinetica: Naturalistic Multi-touch Data Visualization
- Visualizing Dynamic Networks with Matrix Cubes
- Monadic Exploration: Seeing the Whole Through Its Parts
- Weighted graph comparison techniques for brain connectivity analysis
- Sizing the horizon: the effects of chart size and layering on the graphical perception of time series visualizations
This subcommittee is suitable for contributions related to health, wellness, and medicine, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being, clinical environments, self-management, and everyday wellness. Accepted papers will balance the rigor required in all CHI submissions with awareness of the challenges of conducting research in these challenging contexts. The research problem can be grounded in both formal and informal health and care contexts. Submissions to this subcommittee will be evaluated in part based on their inclusion of and potential impact on their stakeholders.
We welcome papers that are empirical, theoretical, conceptual, methodological, design, and systems contributions. Papers must have a clear and novel contribution to HCI in terms of our understanding of people’s interaction with technology in a healthcare context, or the design of health and wellness technologies. For example, systematic reviews or usability studies associated with clinical trials must also have contributions for the HCI community.
Sub-committee Chairs
Track A:
- Xianghua Ding, Fudan University
- Gavin Doherty, Trinity College Dublin
- Kevin Doherty, Technical University of Denmark
Track B:
- Eun Kyoung Choe, University of Maryland
- Marilyn Lennon, University of Strathclyde
- Yixuan (Janice) Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Contact: sc.health@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Xinning Gui, Penn State University
- Amanda Lazar, University of Maryland, College Park
- David Coyle, University College Dublin
- Aisling O’Kane, University of Bristol
- Sun Young Park, University of Michigan
- Francisco Nunes, Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS
- Ignacio Avellino, University of Maryland Baltimore County
- Swamy Ananthanarayan, Monash University, Melbourne
- Eric Hekler, UC San Diego
- Lauren Wilcox, GeogiaTech/Google
- Mohit Jain, Microsoft Research India
- Ryan M. Kelly, University of Melbourne
- Nervo Verdezoto, Cardiff University
- Stephanie Wilson, City University, London
- Daniel Epstein, University of California, Irvine
- Pin Sym Foong, National University of Singapore
- Xiaojuan Ma, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Greg Wadley, University of Melbourne
- Stephen Schueller, University of California Irvine
- Hao-Hua Chu, National Taiwan University
- Christina Chung, Indiana University
- Mayank Goel, Carnegie Mellon University
- Kellie Morrissey, University of Limerick
- Pedja Klasnja, University of Michigan
- Elizabeth Eikey, UC San Diego
- Roisin McNaney, Monash University
- Sonali Mishra, University of Washington
- Troels Mønsted, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark
- Lisa Vizer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Example Papers:
- From Care Plans to Care Coordination: Opportunities for Computer Support of Teamwork in Complex Healthcare
- Syrian Refugees and Digital Health in Lebanon: Opportunities for Improving Antenatal Health
- Examining Menstrual Tracking to Inform the Design of Personal Informatics Tools
- Seismo: Blood Pressure Monitoring using Built-in Smartphone Accelerometer and Camera
- Designing and Evaluating mHealth Interventions for Vulnerable Populations: A Systematic Review
- Mind the theoretical gap: interpreting, using, and developing behavioral theory in HCI research
- Engagement with Mental Health Screening on MobileDevices: Results from an Antenatal Feasibility Study
- Co-Designing Food Trackers with Dietitians: Identifying Design Opportunities for Food Tracker Customization
Accessibility and Aging
This subcommittee is suitable for contributions related to the design or study of technology for people with disabilities and/or older adults. Accessibility papers are those that deal with technology design for or use by people with disabilities including sensory, motor, and cognitive impairments. Aging papers are broadly categorized as those dealing with technology design for or use by people in the later stages of life. Relationships with technology are complex and multifaceted; we welcome contributions across a range of topics aimed at benefiting relevant stakeholder groups and not solely limited to concerns of making technology accessible. Note that if your paper primarily concerns interactions with health data or with healthcare providers, then the Health subcommittee is probably a better fit, whereas papers reflecting on how technologies are used and/or designing interfaces and interactions suited to specific needs are better suited for this subcommittee. We strongly suggest that authors review this Accessible Writing Guide in order to adopt a writing style that refers to stakeholder groups using appropriate terminology. Submissions to this subcommittee will be evaluated in part based on their inclusion of and potential impact on their target user groups and other stakeholders. This subcommittee balances the rigor required in all CHI submissions with awareness of the challenges of conducting research in these important areas. This subcommittee welcomes all contributions related to accessibility, and aging, including empirical, theoretical, conceptual, methodological, design, and systems contributions.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg
- Cosmin Munteanu, University of Toronto
- Christina Schneegass, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Contact: sc.access@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Aisling Kelliher, Virginia Tech
- Amy Hurst, NYU
- Aqueasha Martin-Hammond, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
- Benjamin Gorman, Bournemouth University
- Carolyn Pang, McGill University
- Dafne Zuleima Morgado Ramirez, University College London
- Danielle Bragg, Microsoft Research
- Dragan Ahmetovic, University of Milan
- Fabio Paterno, CNR Italy
- Foad Hamidi, U of Maryland
- Frank Steinicke, University of Hamburg
- Helen Petrie, University of York
- Jenny Waycott, U of Melbourne
- João Guerreiro, Universidade de Lisboa
- Josep Blat, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Kathleen McCoy, University of Delaware
- Kyle Rector, U of Iowa
- Martez Mott, Microsoft Research
- Michael Crabb, Univ of Dundee
- Mingming Fan, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Robin Brewer, U of Michigan
- Shaomei Wu, Facebook
- Shaun Kane, University of Colorado Boulder
- Stacy Branham, U of California
- Sunyoung Kim, Rutgers
- Timothy Neate, King's College London
- Uran Oh, Ewha Woman's University
- Wilko Heuten, OFFIS Institute for IT
- Yasamin Heshmat, Simon Fraser University
Example Papers:
- Making as Expression: Informing Design with People with Complex Communication Needs through Art Therapy
- Sharing is Caring: Assistive Technology Designs on Thingiverse
- ColourID: improving colour identification for people with impaired colour vision
- SayWAT: Augmenting Face-to-Face Conversations for Adults with Autism
- Addressing Age-Related Bias in Sentiment Analysis
- Smart Touch: Improving touch accuracy for people with motor impairments with template matching
- Methods for Evaluation of Imperfect Captioning Tools by Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Users at Different Reading Literacy Levels
- People with Visual Impairment Training Personal Object Recognizers: Feasibility and Challenges
- Caption Crawler: Enabling Reusable Alternative Text Descriptions using Reverse Image Search
- Older Adults Learning Computer Programming: Motivations, Frustrations, and Design Opportunities
- The Design of Assistive Location-based Technologies for People with Ambulatory Disabilities: A Formative Study
- If It's Important It Will Be A Headline": Cybersecurity Information Seeking in Older Adults
- Older People Inventing their Personal Internet of Things with the IoT Un-Kit Experience
- Not For Me: Older Adults Choosing Not to Participate in a Social Isolation Intervention
- Understanding Older Users' Acceptance of Wearable Interfaces for Sensor-based Fall Risk Assessment
- Understanding Older Adults' Participation in Design Workshops
This subcommittee is suitable for papers that make a significant designerly contribution to HCI. Papers submitted here include novel designs of interactive products, services, or systems that advance the state of the art; creation and evaluation of new design tools, processes, methods, or principles, including those that explore alternatives to scientistic ways of knowing; work that expands the scope of design thinking within HCI research or practice; work that applies perspectives from other disciplines to inspire or to critique the design of interactive things; or work that advances knowledge on the human activity of design as it relates to HCI research or practice. We particularly encourage contributions of new designs that broaden the boundaries of interaction design and promote new aesthetic and sociocultural possibilities. Examples of design approaches include : industrial/product design, visual/information design, participatory design, user-centered design, interaction design, user interface design, user experience design, service design, critical design, and design fictions. Finally, this committee encourages submission of work that addresses design research issues such as aesthetics, values, effects (such as emotion), methods, practices, critique, constructive design research, and design theory.
Sub-committee Chairs
Track A:
- Kristina Andersen, TU Eindhoven
- Christopher Le Dantec, Georgia Tech
- Alyssa Rumsey, Georgia Tech
Track B:
- Jeffrey Bardzell, Pennsylvania State University
- Marianna Obrist, University College London
- Fernando Maestre, Indiana University
Contact: sc.design@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- James Pierce, University of Washington
- Will Odom, SFU
- Tom Jenkins, ITU
- Marti Louw, CMU
- Steven Dow, UCSD
- Christina Harrington, DePaul
- Michael Nitsche, GaTech
- Jonas Fritsch, ITU
- Peter Krogh, Aarhus University
- Stacey Kuznetsov, Arizona
- Stuart Reeves, Nottingham University
- Maliheh Ghajargar, Malmo
- Colin Gray, Purdue
- Patrizia Marti, University of Siena
- Pedro Sanches, KTH
- Rachel Clarke, Northumbria University
- Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, KTH
- Chris Elsden, University of Edinburgh
- David Chatting, Goldsmiths
- Vasiliki Tsaknaki, IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)
- Daisy Yoo, TU Eindhoven
- Yaliang Chuang, TU Eindhoven
- Emeline Brulé, Sussex University
- Karin Slegers, Tilburg University
- Corina Sas, Lancaster University
- Rohit Ashok Khot, RMIT University
- Bruna Petreca, RCA
- Parinya Punpongsanon, Osaka University
- Shaun Lawson, Northumbria University
- Paul Strohmeier, Saarland University
- Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Verena Fuchsberger, University of Salzburg
- Michael Lankes, FH Hagenberg
- Laura Maye, University College Cork
- Marion Koelle, Saarland University
- Oliver Schneider, University of Waterloo
- Szu-Yu (Cyn) Liu, Indiana University
- Heekyoung Jung, University of Cincinnati
- Netta Iivari, Oulu University
- Troy Nachtigal, HvA, Amsterdam
- Johanna Ylipulli, Aalto University
- Vasilis Vlachokyriakos, University of Newcastle
- Eunice Sari, UX Indonesia
Example Papers:
- Indoor weather stations: investigating a ludic approach to environmental HCI through batch prototyping
- Field trial of tiramisu: crowd-sourcing bus arrival times to spur co-design
- Making multiple uses of the obscura 1C digital camera: reflecting on the design, production, packaging and distribution of a counterfunctional device
- Artful systems in the home
- Sabbath day home automation: it’s like mixing technology and religion
- Empathy and experience in HCI
- What should we expect from research through design?
- Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI
- On Looking at the Vagina through Labella
- Somaesthetic Appreciation Design
- Monadic Exploration: Seeing the Whole Through Its Parts
- Generating implications for design through design research
- Design Patterns for Exploring and Prototyping Human-Robot Interactions
- Making public things: how HCI design can express matters of concern
- Do-it-yourself cellphones: an investigation into the possibilities and limits of high-tech diy
- Stay on the boundary: artifact analysis exploring researcher and user framing of robot design
- DIYbio things: open source biology tools as platforms for hybrid knowledge production and scientific participation
- Snot, Sweat, Pain, Mud, and Snow – Performance and Experience in the Use of Sports Watches
- On the Design of OLO Radio: Investigating Metadata as a Design Material
- The SelfReflector: Design, IoT and the High Street
Interaction Techniques, Devices, and Modalities
This subcommittee focuses on advances in interaction and enabling technologies as well as explorations of emergent computing domains and experiences. It welcomes contributions that are fundamentally new, those that examine capabilities/modalities that have not yet been fully exploited, and those which describe substantive improvements on prior work that open new interactive possibilities. Contributions will be judged in part based on their novelty or on their demonstrated improvements. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: software interaction techniques, touch and gestural input, haptic and tangible interfaces, interaction with and around digital fabrication, 3D interaction, augmented/mixed/virtual reality, wearable and on-body computing, sensors and sensing, displays and actuators, muscle- and brain-computer interfaces, and auditory and speech interfaces.
Sub-committee Chairs
Track A:
- Sebastian Boring, Aalborg University Copenhagen
- Christian Holz, ETH Zurich
Track B:
- Mike Chen, National Taiwan University
- Anne Roudaut, University of Bristol
- Sean Follmer, Stanford University
- Ollie Hanton, University of Bristol
Contact: sc.inttech@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Aakar Gupta, Facebook
- Alanson Sample, University of Michigan
- Alex Mariakakis, University of Washington
- Alexandra Ion, ETH Zürich
- Aluna Everitt, University of Bristol
- Andrea Bianchi, KAIST
- Andreas Fender, University of Sussex
- Andy Wilson, Microsoft Research
- Céline Coutrix, CNRS Grenoble
- Christine Dierk, UC Berkeley
- David Holman, Tactual Labs
- David Lindlbauer, ETH Zürich
- Diego Martinez Plasencia, University of Sussex
- Eric Whitmire, Facebook Reality Labs
- Erin Solovey, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Eve Hoggan, Aarhus University
- Eyal Ofek, Microsoft Research
- Florian Echtler, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
- Fraser Anderson, Autodesk Research
- Hans Gellersen, Aarhus University
- Hasti Seifi, Max Planck Institute
- Hyunyoung Kim, University of Copenhagen
- Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen
- Jason Alexander, University of Bath
- Jennifer Pearson, Swansea University
- Jürgen Steimle, Saarland University
- Kashyap Todi, Aalto University
- Laura Trutoiu, Magic Leap
- Lining Yao A F Am Carnegie Mellon University
- Liwei Chen, NCTU Taiwan
- Lung-Pan Cheng, National Taiwan University
- Marcos Serrano, University of Toulouse
- Marynel Vázquez, Yale University
- Michael Haller, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
- Mike Fraser, University of Bath
- Misha Sra, UC Santa Barbara
- Oussama Metatla, University of Bristol
- Peggy Chi, Google
- Raf Ramakers, Hasselt University
- Ruta Desai, Facebook
- Sara Nabil, Queen's University
- Shengdong Zhao, National University of Singapore
- Simon Robinson, Swansea University
- Simon Voelker, RWTH Aachen University
- Steve Feiner, Columbia University
- Steven Houben, Lancaster University
- Takuji Narumi, University of Tokyo
- Thomas Pietrzak, University of Lille
- Tovi Grossman, University of Toronto
- Valkyrie Savage, Tactual Labs
- Xiaojun Bi, Stony Brook University
- Yuhang Zhao, Cornell Tech
Example Papers:
- Video browsing by direct manipulation
- Improving navigation-based file retrieval
- VocalSketch: Vocally Imitating Audio Concepts
- iSkin: Flexible, Stretchable and Visually Customizable On-Body Touch Sensors for Mobile Computing
- Project Jacquard: Interactive Digital Textiles at Scale
- Proprioceptive Interaction
- An EEG-based Approach for Evaluating Audio Notifications under Ambient Sounds
- The Effect of Visual Appearance on the Performance of Continuous Sliders and Visual Analogue Scales
- Examining the Reliability of Using fNIRS in Realistic HCI Settings for Spatial and Verbal Tasks
- Kickables: Tangibles for Feet
- A Dose of Reality: Overcoming Usability Challenges in VR Head-Mounted Displays
- MisTable: Reach-through Personal Screens for Tabletops
- IllumiRoom: Peripheral Projected Illusions for Interactive Experiences
- Expanding the Input Expressivity of Smartwatches with Physical Pan, Twist, Tilt and Click
- GaussBricks: Magnetic Building Blocks for Constructive Tangible Interactions on Portable Displays
- bioLogic: Natto Cells as Nanoactuators for Shape Changing Interfaces
- FlexSense: a transparent self-sensing deformable surface
- Sketching in Circuits: Designing and building electronics on paper
- LaserOrigami: Laser-Cutting 3D Objects
- UltraHaptics: Multi-Point Mid-Air Haptic Feedback for Touch Surfaces
- PixelTone: a Multimodal Interface for Image Editing
- Draco: bringing life to illustrations with kinetic textures
- FluxPaper: Reinventing Paper with Dynamic Actuation Powered by Magnetic Flux
- THING: Introducing a Tablet-based Interaction Technique for controlling 3D Hand Models
- Non-Intrusive Tongue Machine Interface
- VelociTap: Investigating Fast Mobile Text Entry using Sentence-Based Decoding of Touchscreen Keyboard Input
- Musink: composing music through augmented drawing
- Smart Touch: Improving Touch Accuracy for People with Motor Impairments with Template Matching
- RetroDepth: 3D Silhouette Sensing for High-Precision Input On and Above Physical Surfaces
- OctoPocus: a dynamic guide for learning gesture-based command sets
- Object-Oriented Drawing
- SensaBubble: A Chrono-Sensory Mid-Air Display of Sight and Smell
- Haptic Retargeting: Dynamic Repurposing of Passive Haptics for Enhanced Virtual Reality Experiences
- Look Like Me: Matching Robot Personality via Gaze to Increase Motivation
- Finexus: Tracking Precise Motions of Multiple Fingertips Using Magnetic Sensing
Understanding People: Theory, Concepts, Methods
This subcommittee welcomes submissions whose primary contribution targets an improved understanding of people and/or interactional contexts. This understanding may be derived using quantitative and/or qualitative (or mixed-method) empirical research, or it may be conceptual in nature. Suitable topics for the subcommittee include but are not limited to individual behavior, human performance, as well as group, social, and collaborative behaviors. Core contributions typically take the form of insightful findings, evolved theories, models, concepts, or methods. Submissions may examine technology practices of diverse populations, and unique, understudied cultural, geographic, and socioeconomic contexts. Contributions will be evaluated for their rigor, significance, validity, and practical or theoretical contributions.
Sub-committee Chairs
Track A:
- Gary Hsieh, University of Washington
- Maria Wolters, University of Edinburgh
- Duncan Reid, University of Edinburgh
Track B:
- Peter Tolmie, University of Siegen
- Naomi Yamashita, NTT
- Chi-Lan Yang, University of Tokyo
Track C:
- Neha Kumar, Georgia Tech
- Max Wilson, University of Nottingham
- Naveena Karusala, University of Washington
Contact: sc.people@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Alexandra Papoutsaki, Pomona College, USA
- Aske Mottelson, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Stanley Chang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
- Cristian Bogdan, KTH, Sweden
- Dave Murray-Rust, University of Edinburgh, USA
- Yvette Wohn, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Guihuan Feng, Nanjing University, China
- Jamy Li, University of Twente, Netherlands
- Janet Huang, Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
- Joel Chan, University of Maryland, USA
- Lionel Robert, University of Michigan, USA
- Martin Flintham, Nottingham University, UK
- Sven Mayer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Mia Suh, Google, USA
- Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Microsoft, USA
- Nikolas Martelaro, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Paul Parsons, Purdue University, USA
- Patrick Shih, Indiana University, USA
- Sucheta Ghoshal, Georgia Tech, USA
- Tonja Machulla, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
- Annika Hupfeld, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
- Claudia-Lavinia Ignat, LORIA-Inria, France
- Dakuo Wang, IBM Research, USA
- Ewa Luger, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Ge Gao, University of Maryland, USA
- Hwajung Hong, Seoul National University, Korea
- Jina Huh-Yoo, Drexel University, USA
- Joel Fischer, University of Nottingham, UK
- John Tang, Microsoft Research, USA
- Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Royal Holloway University London, UK
- Mark Rouncefield, Lancaster University, UK
- Maria Roussou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Hideyuki Nakanishi, Osaka University, Japan
- Patricia Cornelio Martinez, University College London, UK
- Daisuke Sakamoto, Hokkaido University, Japan
- Sanorita Dey, University of Maryland, USA
- Simon Perrault, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
- Yasuyuki Sumi, Future University Hakodate, Japan
- Tesh Goyal, Google, USA
- Tommaso Colombino, Naver Labs, France
- Tone Bratteteig
- Uichin Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
- Vanessa Evers, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Yubo Kou, Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Yun Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Ben Cowan, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, UK
- Can Liu, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Carla Griggio, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Lewis Chuang, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Germany
- Elena Agapie, UC Irvine, USA
- Eva Hornecker, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
- Heloisa Candello, IBM Research, Brazil
- Horia Maior, University of Lincoln, UK
- John Rooksby, Northumbria University, UK
- Luigi De Russis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Max Birk, TU Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
- Ming Yin, Purdue University, USA
- Michael Madaio, Microsoft Research, USA
- Bonnie Nardi, UC Irvine, USA
- Nithya Sambasivan, Google AI, USA
- Paula Lago, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
- Phil Palanque, Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse 3, France
- Pernilla Qvarfordt, eBay, USA
- Sauvik Das, Georgia Tech, USA
- Susan Fussell, Cornell University, USA
- Shagun Jhaver, University of Washington, USA
- Ding Wang, Microsoft Research, India
- Loren Terveen, University of Minnesota, USA
- Kentaro Toyama, University of Michigan, USA
- Shumin Zhai, Google, USA
- Jakita O. Thomas, Auburn University, USA
Example Papers:
- Your Money’s No Good Here: The Introduction of Compulsory Cashless Payments on London’s Buses
- Measuring Crowdsourcing Effort with Error-Time Curves
- Break It Down: A Comparison of Macro- and Microtasks
- What Makes Interruptions Disruptive? A Process-Model Account of the Effects of the Problem State Bottleneck on Task Interruption and Resumption
- Understanding and Supporting Fathers and Fatherhood on Social Media Sites
- I’d Hide You: Performing Live Broadcasting in Public
- “Everyone Is Talking about It!”: A Distributed Approach to Urban Voting Technology and Visualisations
- A Muddle of Models of Motivation For Using Peer-to-Peer Economy Systems
- Flexible Ecologies And Incongruent Locations
- Emotions Mediated Through Mid-Air Haptics
- The Effects of Chronic Multitasking on Analytical Writing
- Measuring Photoplethysmogram-Based Stress-Induced Vascular Response Index to Assess Cognitive Load and Stress
- Situational Ethics: Re-thinking Approaches to Formal Ethics Requirements for Human-Computer Interaction
- Improving Multilingual Collaboration by Displaying How Non-native Speakers Use Automated Transcripts and Bilingual Dictionaries
- Unequal Representation and Gender Stereotypes in Image Search Results for Occupations
- Comparing Person- and Process-centric Strategies for Obtaining Quality Data on Amazon Mechanical Turk
- Data-in-Place: Thinking through the Relations Between Data and Community
- Unequal Time for Unequal Value: Implications of Differing Motivations for Participation in Timebanking
- Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation
- Designing for Future Behaviors: Understanding the Effect of Temporal Distance on Planned Behaviors
- My Phone and Me: Understanding People’s Receptivity to Mobile Notifications
- “Why would anybody do this?”: Understanding Older Adults’ Motivations and Challenges in Crowd Work
- A Cost-Benefit Study of Text Entry Suggestion Interaction
- Sharing Personal Content Online: Exploring Channel Choice and Multi-Channel Behaviors
- Crowd-Designed Motivation: Motivational Messages for Exercise Adherence Based on Behavior Change Theory
- Dear Diary: Teens Reflect on Their Weekly Online Risk Experiences
- How Novices Sketch and Prototype Hand-Fabricated Objects
- Modeling the Impact of Depth on Pointing Performance
- Fast, Cheap, and Good: Why Animated GIFs Engage Us
- Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction of Visual Attention in Graphical User Interfaces
- Of Two Minds, Multiple Addresses, and One Ledger: Characterizing Opinions, Knowledge, and Perceptions of Bitcoin Across Users and Non-Users
- Email Duration, Batching and Self-interruption: Patterns of Email Use on Productivity and Stress
- Technology at the Table: Attitudes about Mobile Phone Use at Mealtimes
- Gender Recognition or Gender Reductionism?: The Social Implications of Embedded Gender Recognition Systems
- How Relevant are Incidental Power Poses for HCI?
Engineering Interactive Systems and Technologies
This subcommittee is suitable for papers which present and describe novel interactive systems and technologies, as well as the technical development of resources which will facilitate and inspire future interface design explorations. This includes both software and hardware technologies that enable and demonstrate novel interactive capabilities, and “enabling” contributions, such as datasets, tools, methods, and languages which will directly support the construction, engineering or validation of interactive systems.
Engineering contributions should clearly explain how they address interactive systems concerns such as scalability, reliability, interoperability, testing, and performance. They can be targeted at end users, offering novel interaction capabilities or supporting improved interactions. They can also be targeted at developers, improving or facilitating the construction of innovative interactive systems. “Enabling” contributions must specify how they can impact HCI research, or how they can support HCI practitioners in the design or implementation of future interactive systems.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Caroline Appert, CNRS, Université Paris Saclay
- Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan
- Eugénie Brasier, CNRS & Université Paris Saclay
Contact: sc.eist@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Alix Goguey, Université Grenoble-Alpes
- Amy Zhang, University of Washington
- Barrett Ens, Monash University
- Bjoern Hartmann, University of California Berkeley
- Andrea Bunt, University of Manitoba
- Charles Perin, University of Victoria
- Lap-Fai (Craig), George Mason University
- Daniel Leithinger, University of Colorado
- Emmanuel Pietriga, Inria
- Elena L. Glassman, Harvard
- Huaishu Peng, University of Maryland
- Jeffrey Bigham, Carnegie Mellon University
- Jessica Cauchard, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Jeff Nichols, Apple
- Julian Frommel, University of Saskatchewan
- Jun Kato, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- Michelle Annett, MishMashMakers
- Rong-Hao Liang, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Radu-Daniel Vatavu, University Stefan cel Mare of Suceava, Romania
- Ruofei Du, Google
- Scott Bateman, University of New Brunswick
- Stéphane Huot, Inria
- Sylvain Malacria, Inria
- Valentina Shin, Adobe Research
- Joel Lanir, University of Haifa
Example Papers:
- Enhancing Cross-Device Interaction Scripting with Interactive Illustrations
- Project Jacquard: Manufacturing Digital Textiles at Scale
- Alloy: Clustering with Crowds and Computation
- Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Prediction of Visual Attention in Graphical User Interfaces
- Mining Human Behaviors from Fiction to Power Interactive Systems
- TableHop: An Actuated Fabric Display Using Transparent Electrodes
- SkullConduct: Biometric User Identification on Eyewear Computers Using Bone Conduction Through the Skull
- Using and Exploring Hierarchical Data in Spreadsheets
- Changibles: Analyzing and Designing Shape Changing Constructive Assembly
- Gesture Script: Recognizing Gestures and their Structure using Rendering Scripts and Interactively Trained Parts
- Smarties: An Input System for Wall Display Development
- Causality: A Conceptual Model of Interaction History
- “Emergent, crowd-scale programming practice in the IDE”
- WatchConnect: A Toolkit for Prototyping SmartWatch-Based Cross-Device Applications
- BaseLase: A Public Interactive Focus+Context Laser Floor
- Gesture On: Enabling Always-On Touch Gestures for Fast Mobile Access from the Device Standby Mode
- Addressing Misconceptions About Code with Always-On Programming Visualizations
- MixFab: a Mixed-Reality Environment for Personal Fabrication
- The BoomRoom: Mid-air Direct Interaction with Virtual Sound Sources
- Pervasive Information through Constant Personal Projection: The Ambient Mobile Pervasive Display (AMP-D)
- NewsViews: An Automated Pipeline for Creating Custom Geovisualizations for News
- SmartVoice: A Presentation Support System For Overcoming the Language Barrier
- Zensors: Adaptive, Rapidly Deployable, Human-Intelligent Sensor Feeds
- Blended Recommending: Integrating Int
- eractive Information Filtering and Algorithmic Recommender Techniques
- ModelTracker: Redesigning Performance Analysis Tools for Machine Learning
Critical and Sustainable Computing
This subcommittee welcomes HCI research connected to themes of social justice, global sustainability, critical-reflective research practice, artful and aesthetic experiences, and critical computing-—all in pursuit of meaningful alternatives to the status quo. We encourage papers that explore how computing and computing research contributes to fair and just relations between individuals, social groups, and whole societies, locally and globally—all in the pursuit of fulfillment and flourishing. Submissions should feature any combination of one or more of the following:
- Commitments to diversity/inclusion, sustainability, survivance, and social justice
- Communication of perspectives from marginalized and unheard persons, populations, Nations
- Challenges to and/or new analyses of received knowledge and paradigms
- Explications of values and needs from diverse users and their communities
- Low-energy or zero carbon technologies and ways of life
- The pursuit of artful experiences and aesthetic ways of being and doing
- A robust and open politics
- The prominent use of philosophy and other theory
- The fostering of empathy, imagination, appreciation, and perception as community values
The subcommittee is epistemologically pluralistic, welcoming of a range of perspectives, approaches, and contributions that might take interpretivist, empirical, activist, political, ethical, critical, and/or pragmatic approaches to both societal challenges and how HCI research frames itself in relation to them. As a part of that commitment, we also champion diverse forms of scholarly expression in the CHI community, such as critical essays, research through design, practice-based research, design fictions, and commentaries.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Shaowen Bardzell, Pennsylvania State University
- Rob Comber, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
- Patrycja Zdziarska, Indiana University (USA)
Contact: sc.sscc@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Amanda Menking, U of Toronto
- Angelika Strohmayer, Northumbria University
- Bryan Semaan, Syracuse U
- Chiara Rossitto, Stockholm University
- Clara Crivellaro, Newcastle
- Deborah Tatar, Virginia Tech
- Eli Blevis, Indiana University
- Gopianath Kanabiran, Aarhus Univ
- Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, U of Toronto
- Jennifer Rode, UCL
- John Vines, Northumbria University
- Katta Spiel, KU Leuven || Universität Wien
- Lone Hansen, Aarhus Univ
- Silvia Lindtner, U of Michigan
- Lilly Irani, UCSD
- Lynn Dombrowski, IUPUI
- Mark Blythe, Northumbria University
- Maurizio Teli, Aalborg Univ
- Melissa Densmore, University of Cape Town
- Michael Mueller, IBM
- Niloufar Salehi, Berkeley
- Reem Talhouk, Newcastle
- Sarah Fox, CMU
- Steve Jackson, Cornell
- Steve Harrison, Virginia Tech
- Teresa Almeida, ITU
- Tessy Cerrantto Pargman, Stockholm University
- Austin Toombs, Purdue
- Victor Kaptelinin, Umea University
- Volker Wulf, U of Siegen
Example papers:
Computational Interaction
This subcommittee invites papers whose primary contribution improves our understanding on how to design interactive systems underpinned by computational principles of human-computer interaction, including applications of such systems. Typical papers study or enhance interaction underpinned by, for instance, machine learning, optimization, statistical modeling, natural language processing, control theory, signal processing and computer vision. Beyond simply applying such methods, they seek new ways to describe, predict, and change interaction and guide the design of interactive systems that rely on computational methods or demonstrate applications of such systems. Core contributions typically take the form of novel theories, methods, techniques, and systems for computational approaches in HCI, as well as reports of rigorous empirical studies of interactive systems supported by computational approaches. Contributions will be judged by their rigor, significance, validity, and practical or theoretical impact.
Accepted papers contribute to our understanding of computational methods in human use of computing. The subcommittee is not limited to algorithms but welcomes a broad range of contributions, including but not limited to:
- Data set or analysis
- Empirical study, including replication studies
- Method
- Theory and modeling
- Design
- Commentary or essay
An excellent paper advances knowledge of computational approaches in human-computer interaction. Even in algorithmic contributions, the human viewpoint is central and kept visible throughout. In particular, an excellent paper 1) addresses a well-scoped phenomenon in human use of computers; 2) rigorously introduces and argues for the chosen approach, including assumptions both about humans and the computational approach, as well as differences and similarities with previous work; 3) explicates the claimed contribution in terms of benefit or disadvantage to humans; 4) provides adequate evidence; and 5) offers a balanced discussion of the contribution, including generalizability and limitations. In addition, critical viewpoints and negative findings are welcome. For example, a critical commentary of social implications of machine intelligence, an empirical insight to algorithmic threats, or a failed replication study are valued as contributions in this subcommittee.
Sub-committee Chairs
- Rebecca Fiebrink, Creative Computing Institute, University of the Arts London
- Per Ola Kristensson, University of Cambridge
- Esben Sørig, Goldsmiths University of London
Contact: sc.compint@chi2021.acm.org
Associate Chairs
- Andrew Howes, University of Birmingham
- Azza Abouzied, NYU Abu Dhabi
- Abby Liu, IRCAM
- Yea-Seul Kim, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Antti Oulasvirta, Aalto University
- Amy Pavel, Carnegie Mellon, Apple
- Brian Lim, National University of Singapore
- Byungjoo Lee, KAIST
- Gonzalo Ramos, Microsoft Research
- John Dudley, University of Cambridge
- John Williamson, University of Glasgow
- John Zimmerman, Carnegie Mellon
- Krzysztof Gajos, Harvard University
- Samantha Krening, Ohio State University
- Marco Gillies, Goldsmiths University of London
- Mike Schaekermann, Amazon AI
- Nikola Banovic, Michigan
- Otmar Hilliges, ETH Zurich
- Mark Riedl, Georgia Tech
- Roderick Murray-Smith, University of Glasgow
- Simone Stumpf, City University of London
- Vera Liao, IBM
- Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen, UCLA
Example papers:
- Transcalibur: A Weight Shifting Virtual Reality Controller for 2D Shape Rendering based on Computational Perception Model
- Cluster Touch: Improving Touch Accuracy on Smartphones for People with Motor and Situational Impairments
- Optimising Encoding for Vibrotactile Skin Reading
- Crowdsourcing Interface Feature Design with Bayesian Optimization
- Predicting Cognitive Load in Future Code Puzzles
- NVGaze: An Anatomically-Informed Dataset for Low-Latency, Near-Eye Gaze Estimation
- May AI?: Design Ideation with Cooperative Contextual Bandits
- A Bayesian Cognition Approach to Improve Data Visualization
- Human-Centered Tools for Coping with Imperfect Algorithms During Medical Decision-Making
- Unremarkable AI: Fitting Intelligent Decision Support into Critical, Clinical Decision-Making Processes
- A is for Artificial Intelligence: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Activities on Young Children's Perceptions of Robots
- Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction
- Understanding the Effect of Accuracy on Trust in Machine Learning Models
- Toward Algorithmic Accountability in Public Services