CHI 2021 Virtual Platform Time Zone Problems

  • May 9, 2021

We are aware that the CHI 2021 virtual conference platform has several limitations with time zones. Unfortunately, it is difficult to fix the platform at this point. Therefore, we explain the problems and workaround to prevent misinterpretation of session time.
Problem 1:
The same content element shows in some pages in JST (conference time zone), other times in your local timezone. Below is an example, it says 10pm in the dashboard (conference time zone) but 6 am in the content item page (local timezone).
Dashboard (conference time zone):
Conference time zone dahboard image
Content Item (local time zone):
Session program image
Workaround: Ignore the time shown on Dashboard. Only refer to time on content item pages. If you are not sure, please refer to SIGCHI web app
You can freely switch between your local time zone or conference time zone by clicking the links above the search field (see below). This feature is useful for double check the time. Session pages of the web app contain direct links to the corresponding session pages of the virtual conference platform, so you can use the web app for navigation.
Navigation image
Problem 2:
Program by day starts at midnight at JST (conference time zone) instead of your local time zone. Suppose that midnight in JST is 5pm in your local time zone. When you visualize the program by day (e.g., click on Program -> Day 5), it loads that day from 5pm onwards. Everything before 5pm shows under the previous day (day 4).
Program by day image
Workaround: Be aware that each “Day” starts at midnight and ends in JST, not midnight in your local time zone. For example, if you click Day 5 (May 10), the system actually shows events in May 10 and May 11 in your local time zone.
Again, if you are confused, please refer to the SIGCHI web app
Problem 3:
Meaning of 12:00am is not clear. Is it midnight or midday? If it is midnight, which “day” does it belong to?
Midnight question image
Clarification: 12:00am is midnight. 12:10 am is 00:10am. If the system says 10 May 2021, 12:00am, it means 10 May 2021 00:00am (start of May 10) in your local time zone.

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